Avian is an ECS-based 2D and 3D physics engine for Bevy, a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust. Avian prioritizes ergonomics and modularity, with a focus on providing a native ECS-driven user experience.
Check out the GitHub repository and introductory post for more details.
Avian 0.2 is another massive release, with several new features, quality-of-life improvements, and important bug fixes. Highlights include:
- Reworked scheduling: Avian now runs in Bevy’s
instead of having its own fixed timestep inPostUpdate
, simplifying scheduling and fixing several common footguns. - Transform interpolation: Movement at fixed timesteps can be visually smoothed with built-in transform interpolation or extrapolation.
- Mass property rework: Mass properties have been overhauled from the ground up to be much more intuitive, flexible, and configurable.
- Physics picking: Colliders have a picking backend for
. - Disabling physics entities: Rigid bodies, colliders, and joints can be temporarily disabled with marker components.
- Better defaults: Collision layers, friction, and restitution now have more sensible and configurable defaults.
- Improved 3D friction: Friction behavior in 3D is much more stable and realistic than before.
- Limit maximum speeds: The maximum speed of rigid bodies can be easily clamped for stability and gameplay purposes.
- Bevy 0.15 support: Avian supports the latest version of Bevy.
The migration guide and a more complete changelog can be found on GitHub.
Reworked Scheduling
So far, Avian has run physics in the PostUpdate
schedule by default, using its own custom-made fixed timestep solution. This choice was originally motivated by bevy_rapier
(which defaults to PostUpdate
) and some historical limitations and ergonomics problems associated with Bevy’s FixedUpdate
. These days however, working with fixed timesteps in Bevy is overall much nicer.
Avian 0.2 reworks scheduling to use Bevy’s own fixed timestep by running physics in the FixedPostUpdate
schedule by default. This further unifies the engine with Bevy’s own APIs, more closely matches the schedule order used by engines like Unity and Godot, and significantly simplifies scheduling, while also fixing several footguns and bugs.
Why FixedPostUpdate
instead of FixedUpdate
or FixedPreUpdate
is very often used for gameplay logic and various kinds of simulations. It is also commonly used for user-side physics logic, like character movement, explosions, moving platforms, effects that apply forces/impulses, custom gravity, and so on.
For a lot of these use cases, it is important to run logic before internal physics systems, and if physics was run in FixedUpdate
, systems would need to be ordered explicitly. Otherwise, you could get determinism issues caused by system ordering ambiguities, along with frame delay issues.
And as for FixedPreUpdate
: if we ran physics before gameplay logic in FixedUpdate
, movement and anything else that affects physics could have an additional delay of one or more frames.
I believe that using FixedPostUpdate
is the sensible default, and it is also in line with engines like Unity and Godot, where internal physics is run near the end of the fixed update/process step. People can always configure the ordering in their own applications if needed.
Scheduling Changes
The Time<Physics>
clock no longer has a custom timestep. Instead, it follows the clock of the schedule that physics is run in; in FixedPostUpdate
, physics uses a fixed timestep with Time<Fixed>
, but if physics is instead configured to run in a schedule like PostUpdate
, it will use a variable timestep with Time<Virtual>
Previously, the physics timestep could be configured like this:
// "Run physics every 1/50 seconds, advancing the simulation by that amount"
In schedules with a fixed timestep, you even needed to use fixed_once_hz
, which was rather confusing and footgunny:
// "Every time the physics schedule runs, advance the simulation by 1/50 seconds"
Now, if you are running physics in FixedPostUpdate
, you should simply configure Time<Fixed>
The Time<Physics>
resource still exists to allow people to configure the simulation speed, pause and unpause the simulation independently of the schedule’s default clock, and set up their own custom scheduling for physics.
Switching to Bevy’s fixed timestep has also fixed some other issues: physics no longer runs slower at lower frame rates, and determinism is much better.
Okay, How Does This Affect Me?
Physics now runs before Update
, in FixedPostUpdate
. For most users however, very few changes should be necessary, and the majority of systems that were previously running in Update
or PostUpdate
can likely remain there.
As a general rule of thumb, FixedUpdate
should be used for systems that affect physics by continuously changing velocity or applying forces, such as for character movement, force fields, or anything else that uses delta time or should run before physics. This can help minimize delay and improve determinism.
One common case that is worth pointing out is that camera following logic previouly had to run in a very specific place to avoid jitter,
in PostUpdate
, in between physics and transform propagation:
// Run after physics, before transform propagation.
Now that physics is run in FixedPostUpdate
, which is before Update
, it should be enough to order the system against just transform propagation:
// Note: camera following could technically be in `Update` too now.
Transform Interpolation
Running physics at a fixed timestep is necessary for frame rate independent and deterministic behavior, but it has a problem. Unless the timestep happens to perfectly match the display refresh rate, physics might not run at all on some frames, while on some other frames it can even run several times to catch up to real time. This produces visibly choppy movement.
Below is an example running at just 10 Hz to exaggerate the problem.
A solution that doesn’t sacrifice determinism is known as transform interpolation. It stores transforms from the previous and current physics ticks, and eases between them in between fixed timesteps. This results in movement that looks smooth and accurate, at the cost of rendered positions being slightly behind the “true” gameplay positions.
Another option is transform extrapolation, which instead eases between the current position and a future position predicted based on velocity. This produces more responsive movement than transform interpolation, but can sometimes produce jarring results, such as objects being briefly rendered inside walls when their velocity changes abruptly and the prediction is wrong.
Avian 0.2 adds built-in support for both transform interpolation and extrapolation, powered by my new crate bevy_transform_interpolation
. It is designed to be a very flexible drop-in solution with minimal restrictions to how you normally work with transforms.
- Automatically smooth out movement in
, andFixedPostUpdate
, with eitherTransform
interpolation or extrapolation - Granularly ease individual
properties to reduce unnecessary computation - Apply easing to specific entities or to all entities
- Optional Hermite interpolation to produce more natural and accurate movement that considers velocity
The crate is actually completely physics-agnostic, and even works with bevy_rapier
. Just make sure that Transform
changes are done in the fixed schedules, and it should automatically get eased!
For easy integration, Avian 0.2 has a PhysicsInterpolationPlugin
that sets everything up, along with some re-exported types for convenience. It is included in PhysicsPlugins
by default.
Interpolation and extrapolation can be enabled for individual entities using the TransformInterpolation
and TransformExtrapolation
components respectively:
fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
// Enable interpolation for this rigid body.
// Enable extrapolation for this rigid body.
Now, any changes made to the Transform
of the entity in FixedPreUpdate
, FixedUpdate
, or FixedPostUpdate
will automatically be smoothed in between fixed timesteps.
Transform properties can also be interpolated individually by adding the TranslationInterpolation
, RotationInterpolation
, and ScaleInterpolation
components, and similarly for extrapolation.
fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
// Only interpolate translation.
commands.spawn((Transform::default(), TranslationInterpolation));
// Only interpolate rotation.
commands.spawn((Transform::default(), RotationInterpolation));
// Only interpolate scale.
commands.spawn((Transform::default(), ScaleInterpolation));
// Mix and match!
// Extrapolate translation and interpolate rotation.
If you want all rigid bodies to be interpolated or extrapolated by default, you can use PhysicsInterpolationPlugin::interpolate_all()
or PhysicsInterpolationPlugin::extrapolate_all()
fn main() {
// ...
When interpolation or extrapolation is enabled for all entities, you can still opt out of it for individual entities by adding the NoTransformEasing
component, or the individual NoTranslationEasing
, NoRotationEasing
, and NoScaleEasing
Note that changing Transform
manually in any schedule that doesn’t use a fixed timestep is also supported, but it is equivalent to teleporting, and disables interpolation for the entity for the remainder of that fixed timestep.
Below is the new interpolation
example, demonstrating how interpolation and extrapolation smooth out the visual result even at very low tick rates. You can also see how interpolation lags slightly behind, while extrapolation aims to predict the next frame.
Mass Property Rework
Previously, mass properties in Avian were inefficient, confusing, and limited in what you could do. For example:
, andCenterOfMass
can be added to a rigid body to specify its initial mass properties. However, the mass properties of colliders and descendants are always added on top, to the same components. From the user’s perspective, the initial mass information is lost, and there is no way to fully override mass properties on spawn.- Mass properties cannot be set individually for colliders. Only the density is configurable.
- If you manually set
to a lower value at runtime, and then remove a collider, you could end up with negative mass. - Angular inertia is not scaled when mass is changed at runtime.
- Specifying the center of mass at spawn does nothing, except if an initial mass is specified.
- In 3D, the world-space angular inertia tensor is unnecessarily recomputed multiple times per substep.
Avian 0.2 overhauls how mass properties work from the ground up.
and ComputedMass
Using the same component for the user-specified mass and the total mass (that takes all attached colliders into account) was problematic.
The total mass properties of rigid bodies are now stored in the new ComputedMass
, ComputedAngularInertia
, and ComputedCenterOfMass
components. By default, these are updated automatically when mass properties are changed, or when colliders are added or removed. Computed mass properties are required for RigidBody
, and inserted automatically.
Now, the Mass
, AngularInertia
, and CenterOfMass
components instead represent the mass properties associated with a specific entity. These are optional and never modified by Avian directly. If a rigid body entity has Mass(10.0)
, and its child collider has Mass(5.0)
, their mass properties will be combined as ComputedMass(15.0)
// Total mass for rigid body: 10 + 5 = 15
Collider::capsule(0.5, 1.5),
.with_child((Collider::circle(1.0), Mass(5.0)));
If Mass
, AngularInertia
, or CenterOfMass
are not set for an entity, the mass properties of its collider will be used instead, if present. Overridding mass with Mass
also scales angular inertia accordingly, unless it is overriden with AngularInertia
Sometimes, you might not want child entities or colliders to contribute to the total mass properties. This can be done by adding the NoAutoMass
, NoAutoAngularInertia
, and NoAutoCenterOfMass
marker components, giving you full manual control.
// Total mass: 10.0
// Total center of mass: [0.0, -0.5, 0.0]
Collider::capsule(0.5, 1.5),
CenterOfMass::new(0.0, -0.5, 0.0),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 4.0, 0.0)),
That’s pretty much it! To recap, the core API has been distilled into:
- By default, mass properties are computed from attached colliders and
. - Mass properties can be overridden for individual entities with
, andCenterOfMass
. - If the rigid body has descendants (child colliders), their mass properties will be combined for the total
, andComputedCenterOfMass
. - To prevent child entities from contributing to the total mass properties, use the
, andNoAutoCenterOfMass
marker components.
This is much more predictable and flexible than the old system.
This isn’t all that has changed though. I have implemented many more improvements here.
API Improvements
Unlike the computed mass property components, Mass
, AngularInertia
, and CenterOfMass
have user-friendly representations with public fields. 3D AngularInertia
differs the most, as it now stores a principal angular inertia (Vec3
) and the orientation of the local inertial frame (Quat
) instead of an inertia tensor (Mat3
). This is more memory efficient and more intuitive to tune by hand.
// Most derives and docs have been stripped for readability.
#[derive(Component, Default, Deref, DerefMut)]
pub struct Mass(pub f32);
// This is in 3D. The 2D version just stores a scalar.
pub struct AngularInertia {
/// The principal angular inertia, representing resistance to angular acceleration
/// about the local coordinate axes defined by the `local_frame`.
pub principal: Vec3,
/// The orientation of the local inertial frame.
pub local_frame: Quat,
#[derive(Component, Default, Deref, DerefMut)]
pub struct CenterOfMass(pub Vec3);
is my new mass property crate for Bevy. It provides MassProperty2d
and MassProperty3d
types, and traits for computing mass properties for all of Bevy’s primitive shapes. Avian 0.2 takes advantage of this in a few ways.
now implements the ComputeMassProperties2d
trait for mass property computation. This lets you compute various mass properties for colliders directly, with a much richer API.
// Compute all mass properties for a capsule collider with a density of `2.0`.
// This returns a `MassProperties2d` or `MassProperties3d` struct.
let capsule = Collider::capsule(0.5, 1.5);
let mass_properties = capsule.mass_properties(2.0);
// Compute individual mass properties (2D here)
let mass = capsule.mass(2.0);
let angular_inertia = capsule.angular_inertia(mass);
let center_of_mass = capsule.center_of_mass();
, AngularInertia
, CenterOfMass
, and MassPropertiesBundle
now also have a from_shape
method that takes a type implementing ComputeMassProperties2d
and a density. A nice bonus is that you can also use Bevy’s primitive shapes:
// Construct individual mass properties from a collider.
let shape = Collider::sphere(0.5);
Mass::from_shape(&shape, 2.0),
AngularInertia::from_shape(&shape, 1.5),
// Construct a `MassPropertiesBundle` from a primitive shape.
let shape = Sphere::new(0.5);
commands.spawn((RigidBody::Dynamic, MassPropertiesBundle::from_shape(&shape, 2.0)));
also provides an AngularInertiaTensor
type to make conversions and working with inertia tensors more straightforward. This is used a bit internally, and also returned by methods like AngularInertia::tensor
System Parameter
Sometimes, it can be useful to compute or update mass properties for individual entities or hierarchies manually. There is now a new MassPropertyHelper
system parameter for this, with the following methods:
(descendants + local)descendants_mass_properties
These are now also used internally for mass property updates.
I expect the MassPropertyHelper
to get more user-facing utilities in the future as we identify usage patterns and common tasks users need to perform.
Other Changes and Improvements
- In 3D, world-space angular inertia is now cached in an automatically updated
component, reducing unnecessary computation. ColliderMassProperties
instead of separate properties. This simplifies a lot of internals and provides a richer API.ColliderMassProperties
is now properly read-only, excluding setting the component directly or reinserting it.- Mass property logic is now encapsulated in a
. - Added
system sets for mass properties. - Zero mass and angular inertia is now treated as valid, and interpreted as infinite mass (like in most engines). It no longer emits warnings, and collider density is not clamped in any way.
- Added a lot more helper methods and constructors for mass properties.
- Added a ton of documentation and polish for mass properties.
- Added lots of tests to verify behavior is as expected.
Phew, that should be most of it! This mass property rework ended up taking way more time and effort than I had anticipated, spanning several months, and we went through numerous different designs to figure out what makes sense in our ECS context. I think it ended up quite nice though :)
Physics Picking
Bevy 0.15 added support for entity picking, with built-in support for UI, sprites, and meshes. Picking for colliders was left to the respective third party crates.
Avian 0.2 adds a PhysicsPickingPlugin
, largely based on the AvianBackend
in the original bevy_mod_picking
. To avoid unnecessary overhead for apps that don’t need it, it must be added manually:
fn main() {
.add_plugins((PhysicsPlugins::default(), PhysicsPickingPlugin))
// ...
Once it is enabled, you will receive pointer events when hovering or otherwise interacting with colliders.
To make physics picking opt-in for entities, set PhysicsPickingSettings::require_markers
to true
, and add the PhysicsPickable
component to collider entities that should be pickable.
Collision Layer Defaults
Previously, CollisionLayers
defaulted to “all memberships, all filters”, meaning that everything belonged to every layer, and could interact with every layer. This default originated from Rapier.
However, this turned out to be very limiting in practice. If you had a layer like GameLayer::Enemy
, and wanted to cast a ray against all enemies, the query would also include all other entities, unless they were explicitly specified not to belong to the enemy layer. Layers should be something you add entities to, not something you remove them from.
In Avian 0.2, colliders only belong to the first layer by default. This means that the first bit 0b0001
in the layer mask is now reserved for the default layer. This approach matches the Box2D physics engine.
This also applies to enum-based layers using the PhysicsLayer
derive macro. To make the default layer more explicit, physics layer enums must now implement Default
, and specify which variant should represent the default layer 0b0001
#[derive(PhysicsLayer, Default)]
enum GameLayer {
Default, // The name doesn't matter, but Default is used here for clarity.
Maximum Speed Clamping
Sometimes, it can be useful to limit the maximum speeds of rigid bodies, both for stability and gameplay purposes. This is straightforward to implement manually outside of the physics schedules, but ensuring that the maximum speed is never exceeded within the physics simulation is less straightforward, as it must be integrated directly into the substepping loop.
Avian 0.2 introduces optional MaxLinearSpeed
and MaxAngularSpeed
components for clamping linear and angular velocity respectively. Global defaults may also be added in the future.
// Create a rigid body with linear speed limited to 100 units per second.
Collider::capsule(0.5, 1.25),
Friction and Restitution Defaults
In Avian 0.1, bodies are bouncy by default, with a coefficient of restitution of 0.3
. Coefficients of static and dynamic friction are also 0.3
. These defaults were originally chosen quite arbitrarily, and are somewhat questionable.
Restitution should ideally be opt-in, as it is unnecessary for most objects, and defaulting to no bounciness often makes behavior easier to reason about while also providing a subtle performance boost. Friction should also be higher, as the current behavior is overly “slidey” and does not match the average real-world material well.
Avian 0.2 changes the default coefficient of restitution to 0.0
, and the default coefficients of friction to 0.5
, matching Rapier.
To guide the new defaults, I also gathered some data on what other engines use as their default values for the coefficients and combine rules.
- Jolt: 0 restitution (max), 0.2 friction (geometric mean)
- Box2D: 0 restitution (max), 0.6 friction (geometric mean)
- PhysX: 0 restitution (average), 0 friction (average)
- Rapier: 0 restitution (average), 0.5 friction (average)
- Godot: 0 restitution (“absorbent” boolean), 1.0 friction (“rough” boolean)
- Unity 2D: 0 restitution (max), 0.4 friction (geometric mean)
- Unity 3D: 0 restitution (average), 0.6 friction (average)
There’s a lot of variation here, but everything except Avian defaults to zero restitution, and friction in other engines also tends to be higher.
Previously, Friction
and Restitution
were added automatically, so the defaults were hard-coded. Now, the new DefaultFriction
and DefaultRestitution
resources are used instead, so it is possible to define your own “default physics material”, similar to engines like Unity.
// Same defaults as Box2D
A sharp-eyed reader might have noticed that there is also a new coefficient combine rule, GeometricMean
! It combines two coefficients a
and b
by computing their geometric mean sqrt(a * b)
. This is also found in engines such as Box2D and Jolt.
Improved 3D Friction
3D friction in Avian 0.1 had a serious bug where the frictional impulse was not always applied along the tangent, but rather along the contact normal.
One example of resulting strange behavior was when objects fell on a corner or edge. You would expect the following cube to bounce off to the side, but it stays perfectly at the center:

Another pathological case was a box with locked rotation and zero restitution landing on the ground, and suprisingly bouncing upwards:

This has now been fixed, and friction behaves much better:

The problem took quite a lot of debugging, but it ended up being just a flipped sign… Hey, that’s physics engine development for you :D
Disabling Physics Entities
A common question users have asked is: “How can I disable physics for this specific entity, and turn it back on later?”
The answer has often been related to removing and reinserting RigidBody
, or messing around with CollisionLayers
or sensors, but this can be inconvenient to do without removing important information.
Avian 0.2 adds built-in RigidBodyDisabled
, ColliderDisabled
, and JointDisabled
components for temporarily disabling physics entities in a non-destructive way.
disables velocity, forces, contact response, and joints for a rigid body.ColliderDisabled
disables collision detection and spatial queries for a collider.JointDisabled
disables a joint constraint.
Using RigidBodyDisabled
might look like this:
pub struct Character;
/// Disables physics for all rigid body characters, for example during cutscenes.
fn disable_character_physics(
mut commands: Commands,
query: Query<Entity, (With<RigidBody>, With<Character>)>,
) {
for entity in &query {
/// Enables physics for all rigid body characters.
fn enable_character_physics(
mut commands: Commands,
query: Query<Entity, (With<RigidBody>, With<Character>)>,
) {
for entity in &query {
Spatial Query Improvements
Shape Cast API
Shape casts now support a few more configuration options provided by Parry: target_distance
and compute_contact_on_penetration
Cool, more configuration for advanced use cases! However it does make the API very unreadable:
let hits = spatial.shape_hits(
Without the variable names, it’s even worse, as there are many numbers and booleans that are indistinguishable without looking at the docs. There are also no sane defaults, as every setting must be configured explicitly, even if the user is unlikely to need to care about some of them.
To help mitigate this, most of the configuration options are now stored in a ShapeCastConfig
, improving clarity and ergonomics.
let hits = spatial.shape_hits(
&ShapeCastConfig {
In most cases, the configuration can use default values for most options, so it ends up looking even more concise.
let config = ShapeCastConfig::from_max_distance(100.0);
let hits = spatial.shape_hits(
Other Improvements
- Added
to match existingcast_ray_predicate
. - Renamed every
for spatial queries to justdistance
. This also matches Unity. - Changed spatial queries performed through
to takeSpatialQueryFilter
by reference. - Fixed longstanding documentation issue: ray and shape hit data is in world space relative to the centers of the shapes, not in local space.
- Improved and cleaned up documentation and added some more helper methods.
Other Changes and Fixes
There have been a lot of changes, fixes, and improvements. Here are some of the most notable ones that have not already been covered in this post:
- Fixed locked axes in gyroscopic torque computation by @unpairedbracket in #486
- Fixed real part of quaternion derivatives by @unpairedbracket in #488
- Use required components for the insertion of most physics components by @Jondolf in #541
- Don’t insert
automatically by @Jondolf in #541 - Make entity order in
independent ofEntity
IDs by @cBournhonesque in #480 - Fix missing
flag forserialize
feature by @janhohenheim in #502 - Add examples using
to visualize scheduling by @Vrixyz in #383 - Add convenience methods for determining if collisions are starting or stopping by @ndarilek in #529
- Use
in messages instead ofDebug
by @NiseVoid in #545 - Remove overlap warnings by @NiseVoid in #547
- Add missing
trait toAngularVelocity
in 2D by @Lommix in #544 - Replace snapshots with hash-based cross-platform determinism test by @Jondolf in #555
- Add
by @Jondolf in #556 - Add helpers for
to flip contact data by @Jondolf in #557 - Fix rotation multiplication order in
by @Jondolf in #575 - Make sure
is oriented CCW by @Jondolf in #579 - Add
to encapsulate solver scheduling by @Jondolf in #577 - Add
cargo doc
to CI and fix doc links by @Jondolf in #582 - Revert schedule change for debug render by @Hellzbellz123 in #497
- Fix documentation for
(local vs. world space) by @johannesvollmer in #430 - Renormalize rotation in 2D integration and clean up
by @Jondolf in #590 - Fix missing
dependency. by @spectria-limina in #592 - Expose
by @Jondolf in #596
A more complete list of changes can be found on GitHub.
What’s Next?
This release focused more on general usability and quality-of-life improvements than I had originally intended, but I think it was important to address transform interpolation and mass properties sooner rather than later.
As for the next large improvements, I hope to implement:
- Simulation islands: By simulating interacting groups of rigid bodies in separate simulation islands, we can implement more robust sleeping, and have inter-island parallelism for the constraint solver.
- Joint rework: We should finally switch from XPBD to impulse-based joints, and implement motors, servos, proper reference frames, nicer stiffness tuning, and more.
- Broad phase rework: We should switch our broad phase from the basic sweep-and-prune implementation to a dynamic Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) with separate dynamic, static, and kinematic trees that could be reused for spatial queries. This would most likely be using OBVHS once it supports incremental updates.
- Character controller: We should have built-in (kinematic) character controller functionality, like a robust move-and-slide algorithm, ground detection, slope handling, stair autostepping, and support for moving platforms, and also provide examples for how it can be used to implement more specialized controllers for platformers, top-down games, first-person shooters, and so on.
These have been on the roadmap for quite a while now, but I have some initial progress on all of them. Simulation islands and the joint rework are perhaps the most important right now, and I really hope to get them done for the next release.
At the same time, I’d like to add some better examples and stress tests, and especially add some basic diagnostics to see how long different parts of the simulation step take, among other useful information. These will be very important when working on optimizations and otherwise testing the engine’s capabilities.
This release was a bit late, since a lot of the changes I wanted to include were only ready right at the end of the cycle, and these release notes always take a while to write. I’ll try to start release preparation earlier next time. Thanks again for all of the support and patience 🪶
Support Me
While Avian will always be free and permissively licensed, developing and maintaining it takes a lot of time and effort.
If you find my work valuable, consider supporting me through GitHub Sponsors. This is ultimately my hobby, but by supporting me you can help make it more sustainable.
Thank you ❤️